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Crack *Your* Unique Code To More Money In Your Pocket


The Channeled Money Audit combines the precision of a chartered accountant with the intuitive guidance of a spiritual teacher and the expertise of a hypnotherapist.


This holistic approach provides you with a comprehensive understanding of both your financial numbers and your energetic alignment with money through:

One pre session questionnaire

One 60 minute 1:1 session

One channeled money manifestation strategy


Disclaimer: By purchasing or using this service, you agree that this is NOT a substitute for medical, legal, investment or other professional advice or services, and you have the right to choose what you want to do regardless of the outcomes from this service.

The Channeled Money Audit

  • A full refund is available if requested at least 48 hrs before the scheduled session.

  • Please email to schedule your service if the downloaded link fails.

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